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About JCH

At the Helm

At the Helm

A/Prof Dan Yock Young          
Chief Executive Officer, NTFGH & JCH
Clinical A/Prof Low Shiong Wen
Chairman Medical Board

Ms Ng Sow Chun
Chief Nurse
Mr Ng Kian Swan
Chief Operating Officer, Group Biomedical Engineering, Group Facilities Management, Operations Risk, Security & Emergency Planning, NUHS
Chief Operating Officer
Data Protection Officer

Ms Ong Kwee Heok
Group Director, NUHS Business Office Shared Services, NUHS
Chief Financial Officer

Ms Christina Loh 
Chief Human Resource Officer 

Adj Asst Prof Kelvin Koh
Medical Director, JCH

Adj A/Prof Chee Thong Gan
Assistant Group Director, Allied Health, NUHS 
Senior Director, Allied Health