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预防跌倒 (Fall Prevention)


Mr Sherwin Yong, Physiotherapist, JCH, spoke about falls and its risk factors. Mr Yong shared his insights about fall prevention strategies, emphasising the important role that regular exercise, health screenings, bone density scans and medication optimisation play in preventing falls. He also introduced useful community resources that can provide more information on safeguarding oneself from falls.

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Regular health screenings and medication optimisation can help prevent falls in older adults

联合早报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

Mr Sherwin Yong, Physiotherapist, JCH, advised on fall prevention in older adults. He encouraged regular health screenings, vision and hearing checks, as well as bone density scans to detect and mitigate factors that may lead to falls.

Mr Yong advocated for regular exercise of at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, as recommended by the World Health Organization, to enhance balance and coordination and improve muscle strength, thereby reducing fall risk. He also mentioned the availability of online resources on fall prevention at HealthHub.

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管理情绪改变生活方式 有效对抗慢性疾病 (Managing emotional and lifestyle changes can help fight chronic disease)

联合早报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

​Ms Lim Zi Wen, Occupational Therapist, JCH, explained that beyond medical treatment, chronic disease management includes taking care of the illness, carrying out daily activities, as well as managing emotional changes. She added that making lifestyle changes can also help with symptom management, as well as slow down the progression of the condition. She suggested that individuals with chronic diseases can consider joining support groups, and leverage HPB resources to maintain healthy lifestyles.

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失智症 (Dementia)


​Ms Yip Song Ling, Staff Nurse, JCH, explained that there are different types of dementia, with Alzheimer’s Disease being the most common. She listed the differences between dementia and signs of ageing, and shared how verbal and non-verbal communication strategies can help patients with dementia. During the FB live session, she recommended activities to engage patients with dementia, and elaborated how dietary considerations can ensure their nutritional needs. She also emphasised the importance of self-care for caregivers to prevent burnout.

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谵妄 (Delirum)


​Ms Luo Siqi, Senior Staff Nurse, Ward C4, JCH, explained that delirium is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome marked by an acute onset, altered level of consciousness, inattention and disorganised thinking. She elaborated that it is a common condition in Singapore’s rapidly ageing population, and emphasised that swift identification of delirium is important. She also shared the causes, signs and symptoms, as well as management strategies for caregivers.

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谵妄不是失智症 也不是抑郁症 (Delirium is not dementia or depression)

新明日报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

Ms Phoebe Hoh, Assistant Nurse Clinician, Nursing Wards, JCH, explained that delirium is a temporary state of confusion which causes a person’s mind to be clouded, and makes it hard for him/her to pay attention and focus. The common causes of delirium can be due to infections, medications, the sudden withdrawal of drugs or alcohol, major surgery, dehydration, or progressing illnesses.

Delirium can also sometimes be mistaken for dementia or depression. She shared that delirium, dementia and depression are conditions that have some similar symptoms that could cause misconceptions among individuals. Delirium can occur abruptly (over a matter of hours or days), and the symptoms tend to fluctuate throughout the day and for varying periods. For dementia, the onset of when it occurs is slow and insidious with a progressive and irreversible deterioration. Depression consists of negative mood changes that can last from two weeks to years, but are reversible.

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Amount of energy NUHS saved in 2023 enough to power 14,000 four-room flats for a year

Channel NewsAsia

​Efforts by the National University Health System (NUHS) to cut energy use last year saved enough electricity to power almost 14,000 four-room Housing & Development Board flats for a year. NUHS said the carbon footprint it reduced is akin to planting more than 360,000 tree seedlings for 10 years. The group revealed this at the inaugural Healthcare Sustainability Symposium, where it also showcased its sustainability efforts, including energy efficient partnerships and innovative environmental technologies. NUHS said it has already invested S$10 million into sustainability efforts across its four hospitals and seven polyclinics.

The "Heal Our Patients, Heal Our Planet" Symposium was held at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, where representatives from other public healthcare clusters also shared their various sustainability efforts and results.   

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AI in Southeast Asia: Muse or menace? How artists in the region are grappling with new technologies

Channel NewsAsia

​Mr Lee Sze-Chin, an art therapist at JCH, explained how he used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to help recreate formative events for dementia patients. Together with his art collective Kronoscopes, he asked participants to recall happy moments from their lives and draw doodles from these occasions on small coasters. These were fed, along with information from patient-therapist conversations, into an AI art generator app known as Midjourney, which transformed the prompts into detailed visual recreations of the memories. He added that patients gained a renewed sense of identity and self-worth and were able to process the emotions the AI artworks unearthed with their art therapist, whether those were positive or negative.

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邓光中受委陈笃生医院首席执行总裁 陈学扬任黄廷方及裕廊社区医院总裁 (Dr Tang Kong Choong is new CEO of TTSH, A/Prof Dan Yock Young appointed as CEO of NTFGH and JCH)

联合早报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

Prof Yeoh Khay Guan, Chief Executive, National University Health System, expressed appreciation for Dr Quek Lit Sin's contributions in the past three years as the Chief Executive Officer, and shared his current appointment as the Assistant Chief Executive at the National University Health System, leading the set up of the new National University Health System Institute of Clinical Quality to champion clinical quality and patient-centred care.

A/Prof Dan Yock Young, who was formerly the Deputy Director-General of Health at Ministry of Health, Singapore since 2020, will further advance clinical excellence and outcomes as the Chief Executive Officer of Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Community Hospital. A/Prof Dan shared that Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Community Hospital will leverage the strong integration within the community to transform and advance healthcare, to meet the needs of both staff and residents.

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Ng Teng Fong and Jurong Community Hospital name new CEO


Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Community Hospital appointed A/Prof Dan Yock Young as the new Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 April 2024. He succeeded Dr Quek Lit Sin, who was the Chief Executive Officer since 2021. Before his appointment, A/Prof Young served as the Deputy Director-General of Health at the Ministry of Health in 2020, overseeing the healthcare services organisation and provision in public hospitals and primary care.

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Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Community Hospital appoint Associate Professor Dan Yock Young as new Chief Executive Officer

Ng Teng Fong General Hospital

NUHS Media ReleaseJurongHealth Campus Media ReleaseNTFGH Media ReleaseJCH Media Release

Everything about what MOH will do in the near future as revealed in MOH budget debate


Health Minister Ong Ye Kung announced plans for a new integrated general and community hospital in Tengah Town, geared towards serving the growing population in the west. Operated by National University Health System, the facility will complement existing hospitals in the west such as Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Community Hospital.

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Singapore to build new hospital in Tengah, expand home care initiatives to meet ageing population needs

Channel NewsAsia

The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that it has begun planning for a new integrated general and community hospital in Tengah to serve the growing population in the western region of Singapore.

The hospital, which will be operated by the National University Health System, is targeted to be ready in the early 2030s. 

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将韩国传统艺术带入病房 为病患打气 (Bringing cheer to patients with Korean folk art)

联合早报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

​Ms Min Yu, a volunteer from Korea, teamed up with her daughter and friends during an art and craft engagement session on 16 February to teach JCH patients how to make Korean dragons. She is a volunteer with NTFGH and JCH’s Art-on-the-Move programme, where volunteers engage patients in conversations and art-making by their bedside. For almost a year, the group has been bringing art and craft activities to the wards on a monthly basis. Some of these sessions incorporate Minhwa, a form of Korean folk art. The hands-on activities facilitated by the volunteers bring cheer to the patients.

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Unseen Heroes: The Heartbeat of Healthcare During Festive Seasons and Beyond


​A feature article paying tribute to healthcare workers. Mr Eugene Chean, Radiographer, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH), and Ms Yip Song Ling, Staff Nurse, Ward C4, Jurong Community Hospital, shared more about their jobs and why they joined the healthcare profession. The two of them were on duty during the Lunar New Year festive season.

Ms Marie Kaylin Wong, Assistant Nurse Clinician, Operating Theatre, NTFGH, explained that with the upcoming inventory management project supported by the National Trades Union Congres Company Training Committee Grant, nurses can devote more time to patient care because the system will automate the inventory management of non-stock items.

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